Batsman #2 : Challenger

Batsman #2 : Challenger

**This is manga is created in traditional formatting, so panels must be read from RIGHT to LEFT.**

Determined to be the best he can be, Haku is not deterred by the ruse Shirogane-kun and the Wyverns play on him. The issue opens with Haku struggling with the skill transfer from baseball to cricket as a batsman.

Haku is introduced to a new cricketer who turns out to be someone Haku didn't expect! This is Japan though, and cricket is still a very young sport.

Refusing to take defeat easily, Haku resorts to some fairly drastic tactics in order to save his newfound team, the Wyverns, from a certain loss before they even start the league!

Country: Japan
#2 of an ongoing series.

Page count
24 pages


Aoto Higashimachi


Aoto Higashimachi


Chikako Kano